Apie dainą „A
Change is Gonna Come“ pirmąkart pasirodė 1964 metais ir jį įrašė Sam Cooke. Atlikėjas iš juodaodžiams
praeityje ne itin dosnios ir nelabai mylimos Luizianos su šia daina tapo
beregint populiarus tarp juodaodžių klausytojų. Septinto dešimtmečio pradžioje,
kai netgi juodaodžių tualetai vis dar būdavo įrengti atskirai nuo baltaodžių ir
šiurkščiai vis dar paminamos jų teisės dėl rasės, šioji daina nuskambėjo kaip
politinė-meninė agitacija už juodaodžių teises JAV.
Daina praminta politinių
pokyčių himnu tapo patraukli ne vienam tuokart garsiam amerikiečių atlikėjui dėl
puikaus ir prasmingo teksto bei tuokart itin madingo ir populiaraus bliuzo,
keliančio stiprų melancholijos jausmą. Ironiška, tačiau tais pačiais metais S.
Cooke sulaukęs 33 metų buvo nužudytas durtine žaizda į širdį – tai keistos
mirties aplinkybės, tačiau jo įrašas beregint tapo toks populiarus, kad iki šių
dienų sulaukia oficialių populiarių atlikėjų versijų.
Vieną puikiausių savo
versijų 1967 metais pateikė puikioji amerikiečių atlikėja Aretha Franklin, kuri mažai ką tepakeitė savo versijoje,
palaikydama senąją bliuzo tradiciją. Šiais metais grupė Passenger, neseniai koncertavusi Lietuvoje, taip pat pateikė
netikėtą šios dainos versiją. Šiandien būtent rekomenduoju pasiklausyti šių
trijų atlikėjų.
Pirmoji Sam Cooke dainos
Aretha Franklin versija:
Grupės „Passenger“ dainos
Žodžiai / Lyrics
"A Change Is Gonna Come"
(originally by Sam Cooke)
(originally by Sam Cooke)
There's an old friend that I once heard say
Somethin' that touched my heart, and it began this way:
I was born by the river, in a little tent;
And just like the river, I've been runnin' every since...
He said, "It's been a long time comin', but I know my change is gonna come..."
Oh, yeah...
He said, "It's been too hard livin', but I'm afraid to die;
I might not be if I knew what was up there beyond the sky...
It's been a long, a long time comin', but I know my change has got to come..."
Oh, yeah...
I went... I went to my brother
And I asked him, "Brother, could you help me, please?"
He said, "Good sister, I'd like to, but I'm not able..."
And when I, when I looked around, I was right back down, down on my bended knees,
Yes, I was! Oh!
There've been times that I thought... I thought that I wouldn't last for long,
But somehow, right now, I believe that I'm able, I'm able to carry on...
I tell you that it's been a long... and, oh, it's been an uphill journey all the way,
But I know, I know, I know, I know my change is gonna come...
Sometimes, I've had to cry all night long - yes, I did;
Sometimes, I had to give up right for what I knew was wrong...
Yeah, it's been an uphill journey!
It's sure been a long way comin'... yes, it has...
It's been real hard every step of the way,
But I believe, I believe, this evenin', my change has come...
Yeah! I tell you that my change has come
Somethin' that touched my heart, and it began this way:
I was born by the river, in a little tent;
And just like the river, I've been runnin' every since...
He said, "It's been a long time comin', but I know my change is gonna come..."
Oh, yeah...
He said, "It's been too hard livin', but I'm afraid to die;
I might not be if I knew what was up there beyond the sky...
It's been a long, a long time comin', but I know my change has got to come..."
Oh, yeah...
I went... I went to my brother
And I asked him, "Brother, could you help me, please?"
He said, "Good sister, I'd like to, but I'm not able..."
And when I, when I looked around, I was right back down, down on my bended knees,
Yes, I was! Oh!
There've been times that I thought... I thought that I wouldn't last for long,
But somehow, right now, I believe that I'm able, I'm able to carry on...
I tell you that it's been a long... and, oh, it's been an uphill journey all the way,
But I know, I know, I know, I know my change is gonna come...
Sometimes, I've had to cry all night long - yes, I did;
Sometimes, I had to give up right for what I knew was wrong...
Yeah, it's been an uphill journey!
It's sure been a long way comin'... yes, it has...
It's been real hard every step of the way,
But I believe, I believe, this evenin', my change has come...
Yeah! I tell you that my change has come
Maištinga Siela
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