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atradimų tapo amerikiečių atlikėjos Kelly Clarkson naujausias solo
muzikos albumas „Chemistry“, išleistas šių metų birželio 23 dieną. Atlikėja išgarsėjo
2002 metais, kai laimėjo „American idiol“ dainų konkursą ir nuo to karto savo
karjerą kūrė muzikos srityje. Šiuo metu žinoma moteris turi ir savo TV pokalbių
laidą, kurioje pasirodo pačios ryškiausios žvaigždės, o Kelly kaskart
padainuoja kokią nors žymią svečio dainą ir dažnai galima nustebti, kaip
atlikėja subtiliai perteikia kitų dainas.
„Chemistry“ – tai jau
dešimtasis atlikėjos albumas ir viena bent man gražiausių dainų yra „Lighthouse“
(liet. Švyturys). Pastaroji baladė puikiai perteikia Kelly Clarkson balso
galimybes. Apskritai daina kaip ir daugelis šio albumo dainų yra apie griūvančius
santykius, vienatvės skausmą ir visai natūralu, nes dainininkė sugyvenusi du
vaikus su vyru išsiskyrė, o savo emocijas, širdgėlą perteikė per „Lighthouse“
bei kitas albumo dainas. Galbūt daugiau nieko ir nenoriu pridurti, kadangi pati
daina kalba už save, tad kviečiu užsimerkti, pasigarsinti ir išklausyti.
Kelly Clarkson –
Žodžiai / lyrics
I need a do over
How did we end up this
I'm so confused, lover
Did I mistake love and
Ain't got no shine left
I couldn't hide it
I almost lost all my
light, and
I didn't choose sober
But my eyes can't look
I see our true colors
Lately we've been lookin'
I can't turn back now
Cause you'd take me back
That road that always
seems to come right back around
Remember when
We had dreams to fly away
But that was then
Now our story's just a
Like a wave you're always
crashing into me, crashing into me
And these days are harder
than they used to be, and they used to be
No shooting stars can
Fix what we aren't and
What good's a lighthouse
when the light is burning out
It's such a shame when
your wants and needs they don't align
Which road to take cause
your hand's no longer holdin' mine
I guess that's life and
Sometimes you fight and
Sometimes you walk away
in order to survive
Remember when
There was nowhere to
throw blame
But that was then
And now it's when you use
my name
Like a chill in my bones
when you say to me, what you say to me
I thought I found home,
but hidden underneath we were crumbling
No shooting stars can
Fix what we aren't and
What good's a lighthouse
when the light is burning out
And I feel what we were
washing over me, questioning everything, all that time
And I keep all the ways
that you wanted me to be different fresh in my mind
What you loved, what you
wanted, what you held so high when we first met in hindsight
Were the things that you
tried and asked me to change as if I could do that
Like a wave you're always
crashing into me, crashing into me
And these days are harder
than they used to be, and they used to be
No shooting stars can
Fix what we aren't and
What good's a lighthouse
when the light is burning out
Jūsų Maištinga Siela
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