2018 m. rugpjūčio 20 d., pirmadienis

Šios dienos daina: Christina Aguilera "Unless It's With You" [žodžiai / lyrics]


Vis grįžtu prie naujausio, dar šiais metais pasirodžiusio Christinos Aguileros albumo „Liberation“ dainų ir šįkart noriu su Jumis pasidalyti ypatinga albumo balade, kuri vadinasi „Unless It‘s With You“, kuri pergalingai užbaigia „Liberation“ albumą.

Kaip jau tampa įprasta, jeigu baladę dainuoja Christina Aguilera, ji tampa reto grožio kūriniu, kuriame emocija, išgyvenimai ir tekstas, žinoma, ir melodija eina išvien. Pati atlikėja yra prisipažinusi, kad jos arkliukas yra būtent toji aukštoji muzika, tos baladės, kurios puikiai atskleidžia ne tik jos vokalinius sugebėjimus, bet ir gebėjimą perteikti emocijas. Manau, daina turėtų patikti Adele gerbėjams ir apskritai tiems, kurie mėgsta vokalines divas, tokias kaip Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Aretha Franklin ir kt.

Šioji baladė kažin kokia itin asmeniška, gal kiek primena savo polėkiu iš jos „Lotus“ albumo tikrai puikią dainą „Blank Page“. Šįkart Aguilera įrodė, kad pati geba rašyti stiprias balades ir visai nereikia nei SIA, nei Lindos Perry, kurios kadaise padėjo atlikėjai sukurti fantastiškų kūrinių. Senoji geroji mokykla, štai ką man primena be proto jausmingoji daina „Unless  It‘s With You“, kuri albume gali rungtis nebent su ne ką prastesne daina „Twice“. Pasiklausykite:

Žodžiai / Lyrics

"Unless It's With You"
Never wanted to feel weak in love, give up control
Never wanted to let down my guard, be vulnerable
Never wanted to feel helpless or too comfortable
I make it on my own, hey

I've been thinking a lot about the way that people change
The most beautiful beginnings can go down in flames
It's inevitable, and that's what's got me so afraid
I'd rather be alone

I don't want no white picket fence
Dozen roses and a wedding dress
Fairy tales are fake happiness
But here we are and I must confess

Yeah, I'm in over my head feeling confused
I'm losing my mind, don't know what to do
'Cause I don't want to get married
Unless it's with you, unless it's with you

You came into my life when I wasn't trying to find
Anybody to love, hiding what I felt inside
But you opened me up and now I finally realize
I'll be your girl for life

We don't need a big audience
Thousand people we never met
Me and you and a couple of friends
And here we are and I must confess

Yeah, I'm in over my head feeling confused
I'm losing my mind, don't know what to do
'Cause I don't want to get married
Unless it's with you, unless it's with you

And oh, I know that it's scary
But I know that it's true, I'm saying "I do"
'Cause I don't want to get married
Unless it's with you, unless it's with you

Beating heart and trembling hands
Take me just the way I am
'Cause all that I want is one and the same
For the rest of my days, for the rest of my days

You can ask me in a hundred years
If I would still be standing here
When we're old and gray, I'd answer the same
Our love will remain, oh, our love will remain

Yeah, I was over my head feeling confused
Been losing my mind, don't know what to do
'Cause I don't want to get married
Unless it's with you, unless it's with you

And oh, I know that it's scary
(But I know that it's true, I'm saying "I do")
'Cause I don't want to get married
Unless it's with you, unless it's with you
Unless it's with you

Jūsų Maištinga Siela

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