prisiminiau paauglystę, išgirdęs naujausią kurį laiką dingusios kanadiečių
atlikėjos Avril Lavigne dainą „Head
above woter“. Vienu metu atlikėja buvo aptarinėta vien dėl savo
priaugusio svorio, dėl ankstyvos santuokos ir visko, bet ne dėl muzikos, nes atrodė,
kad atlikėja gerokai išsikvėpė ir velkasi tik savo karjeros šešėlyje.
Lietuvoje prieš
dešimt metų koncertavusi atlikėja iš tikrųjų gyvenime išgyveno tikrą
transformaciją. Ir nelengvą, nes susirgusi Laimo liga, todėl ilgai grūmėsi dėl
savo gyvybės. Avril su ašaromis prisimena tą laikotarpį, kada manė uždusianti –
apie tai ir naujausias jos singlas iš būsimo albumo tuo pačiu pavadinimu, apie
mirtį, pasitikėjimą aukštesniąja jėga, kuri padėjo jai sunkiausią gyvenimo
akimirką išlaikyti galvą virš vandens. Kad ir kaip nesižavėčiau Avril Lavigne –
ji iš esmės man visada save pateikdavo perdėtai „rokeriškai“, nelabai besiskaitančią
su kitais, tačiau jos balsas tam tikruose įrašuose išties kaip reikiant „veža“.
Manau, kad tą „vežimą“ vėl girdžiu jos naujausioje dainoje.
Nors daina
nepasiekė itin aukštų pozicijų, kaip ankstesnieji atlikėjos hitai, bet kartais
tiesiog grįžtama ne dėl reitingų ir platininių titulų, o dėl to, kad gera
papasakoti savo istoriją...
Žodžiai /
"Head Above Water"
I've gotta keep the calm before
the storm
I don't want less, I don't want more
Must bar the windows and the doors
To keep me safe, to keep me warm
Yeah my life is what I'm fighting for
Can't part the sea, can't reach the shore
And my voice becomes the driving force
I won't let this pull me overboard
God, keep my head above water
Don't let me drown, it gets harder
I'll meet you there at the altar
As I fall down to my knees
Don't let me drown, drown, drown
Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown
So pull me up from down below
'Cause I'm underneath the undertow
Come dry me off and hold me close
I need you now I need you most
God, keep my head above water
Don't let me drown, it gets harder
I'll meet you there at the altar
As I fall down to my knees
Don't let me drown, drown, drown
(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)
Don't let me drown, drown, drown
And keep my head above water
(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)
Above water
And I can't see in the stormy weather
I can't seem to keep it all together
And I can't swim the ocean like this forever
And I can't breathe
God, keep my head above water
I lose my breath at the bottom
Come rescue me, I'll be waiting
I'm too young to fall asleep
So God, keep my head above water
Don't let me drown, it gets harder
I'll meet you there at the altar
As I fall down to my knees
Don't let me drown
Don't let me drown
(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)
Don't let me drown
And keep my head above water
(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)
Above water
I don't want less, I don't want more
Must bar the windows and the doors
To keep me safe, to keep me warm
Yeah my life is what I'm fighting for
Can't part the sea, can't reach the shore
And my voice becomes the driving force
I won't let this pull me overboard
God, keep my head above water
Don't let me drown, it gets harder
I'll meet you there at the altar
As I fall down to my knees
Don't let me drown, drown, drown
Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown
So pull me up from down below
'Cause I'm underneath the undertow
Come dry me off and hold me close
I need you now I need you most
God, keep my head above water
Don't let me drown, it gets harder
I'll meet you there at the altar
As I fall down to my knees
Don't let me drown, drown, drown
(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)
Don't let me drown, drown, drown
And keep my head above water
(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)
Above water
And I can't see in the stormy weather
I can't seem to keep it all together
And I can't swim the ocean like this forever
And I can't breathe
God, keep my head above water
I lose my breath at the bottom
Come rescue me, I'll be waiting
I'm too young to fall asleep
So God, keep my head above water
Don't let me drown, it gets harder
I'll meet you there at the altar
As I fall down to my knees
Don't let me drown
Don't let me drown
(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)
Don't let me drown
And keep my head above water
(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)
Above water
Jūsų Maištinga Siela
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