daina „Holy water“ (liet. Švęstas vanduo) kritikų pripažinta pačia
skandalingiausia šios atlikėjos daina, mat, ji iš esmės sugretina besaikį
erotiškumą ir religiją, teigdama, kad moters makšties skysčiai yra švęstas
vanduo, kurį siūlo kitiems paragauti. Tačiau ši daina skandalu netapo, kaip
anuomet, prieš gerą dešimtmetį, kai ji muzikiniame ture dainuodavo pririšta
prie kryžiaus, o katalikų pasaulis buvo ne juokais užsirūstinęs ant atlikėjos.
Daina „Holy water“
šiuolaikinių lengvų ritmų daina, nesunkiai įsimenama ir paniūniuojama melodija.
Daina įtrauktą į albumą „Rebelheart“, kuris pasirodė 2015 metais ir kurio
vinilinę plokštelė jau seniai guli lentynoje pas mane namuose. Vienas geriausių
Madonnos albumų, kažin, ar labai buvo pastebėtas šiuolaikinių paauglių
klausytojų, tačiau senieji Madonnos vilkai jo tikrai nepraleido pro ausis. Mane
asmeniškai labiausiai nustebino gyvas Madonnos pasirodymas muzikiniame ture. Būtent
ši daina virto paskutinės vakarienės inscenizacija, kuri virsta į neaiškią, bet
vizualiai nepaprastai išraiškingai suprojektuotą orgiją. Ar Jums patiks šis
Madonnos kūrinys – paklausykite ir pasižiūrėkite vaizdo įrašą iš koncerto, nes
reginys puikus.
Audio versija:
Gyvas pasirodymas:
I can give you everything that you
Bitch get off my pole, bitch get off my pole
You can't buy this at no luxury store
Bitch get off my pole, bitch get off my pole
Bitch get off my pole, bitch get off my pole
You can't buy this at no luxury store
Bitch get off my pole, bitch get off my pole
There's a place you gotta go before
I let you take it all
It's like a drug, it should be illegal
Baby you should get down low
And drink my precious alcohol
You look so thirsty, I think you need it
It's like a drug, it should be illegal
Baby you should get down low
And drink my precious alcohol
You look so thirsty, I think you need it
Kiss it better, kiss it better
(Don't it taste like holy water)
Make it wetter, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, kiss it better
Make it wetter, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, kiss it better
I can teach you all the things you
don't know
Bitch get off my pole, bitch get off my pole
It's where like make it something you wanna own
Bitch get off my pole, bitch get off my pole
Bitch get off my pole, bitch get off my pole
It's where like make it something you wanna own
Bitch get off my pole, bitch get off my pole
There's something you gotta hitr
It's sacred and immaculate
I can let you in heaven's door
I promise you it's not a sin
Find salvation deep within
We can do it here on the floor
It's sacred and immaculate
I can let you in heaven's door
I promise you it's not a sin
Find salvation deep within
We can do it here on the floor
Kiss it better, kiss it better
(Don't it taste like holy water)
Make it wetter, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, kiss it better
Make it wetter, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, kiss it better
Don't it taste like holy water, like
holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Bless yourself and genuflect)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (If you like it please confess)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Bless yourself and genuflect)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Yeezus loves my pussy best)
Don't it taste like holy water (Bless yourself and genuflect)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (If you like it please confess)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Bless yourself and genuflect)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Yeezus loves my pussy best)
Holy water, holy water, holy water,
holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water, holy water, holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water, holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water, holy water, holy water, holy water
Holy water, holy water, holy water, holy water
Ladies with an attitude
Don't just stand there
Don't just stand there
Don't just stand there, let's get to it
Strike a pose, there's nothing to it
Don't just stand there
Don't just stand there
Don't just stand there, let's get to it
Strike a pose, there's nothing to it
There's something you gotta hit
It's sacred and immaculate
I promise you it's not a sin
Find salvation deep within
It's sacred and immaculate
I promise you it's not a sin
Find salvation deep within
Kiss it better, kiss it better
(Don't it taste like holy water)
Make it wetter, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, kiss it better
Make it wetter, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, kiss it better
Don't it taste like holy water, like
holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Bless yourself and genuflect)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Yeezus loves my pussy best)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Bless yourself and genuflect)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Yeezus loves my pussy best)
Don't it taste like holy water (Bless yourself and genuflect)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Yeezus loves my pussy best)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Bless yourself and genuflect)
Don't it taste like holy water, like holy water
Don't it taste like holy water (Yeezus loves my pussy best)
Jūsų Maištinga Siela
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