Viena mėgstamiausių mano Lanos Del Rey dainų iš jos naujausio
muzikos albumo „Lust for Life“, pasirodžiusio 2017 metais, yra kūrinys „Get
Free“, kuris eina kaip paskutinė albumo daina. Paskutinės dainos retai
kada būna pastebėtos ir gerai įvertintos, nes jos atrodo tarsi „iš bėdos“
prisišliejusios, tačiau, manau, taip su Lana Del Rey nėra ir „Get Free“ išties
svaiginantis kūrinys, primenantis hipių senąją gerąją muziką su daug
šiuolaikinio elektroninės muzikos garsų.
Pati atlikėja apie šią
dainą atviravo, kad ji pirminiame variante vadinosi „Malibu“ ir buvo kur kas
atviresnė ir labiau apibendrinanti atlikėjos paskutiniųjų šešerių metų patirtį,
tačiau atlikėja šį bei tą norėjo pasilikti sau ir dainos aranžuotę bei tekstą
pakeitė. Lana taip pat yra išreiškusi, kad galima šiai dainai sukurti vaizdo
klipą, tačiau aš manau, kad to nenutiks, nes paskutiniuoju metu jau sklinda
kalbos, jog ji jau telkiasi naujam kūrybiniam etapui.
Muzikos kritikai vertindami
kūrinį sakė, kad tai viena dvasingiausių Lanos dainų ir, tiesa, viena
šviesiausių. Lana visada išliks Lana – depresyviai melancholiška, tačiau daina
šviesi ir sutelkta į viltį ir atlikėja turi teisę keistis.
Siūlau tiesiog nė
neatsitraukiant užsimerkti ir be pertrūkio meditatyviai paklausyti šio kūrinio –
kažkoks mistinis stebuklas, ypač hipnotizuojanti pabaiga.
Žodžiai / Lyrics
"Get Free"
Finally, I'm crossing the threshold
From the ordinary world
To the reveal of my heart
Undoubtedly, that will for certain
Take the dead out of the sea
And the darkness from the arts
This is my commitment
My modern manifesto
I'm doing it for all of us
Who never got the chance
For... and for... (shut up, shut up)
And all my birds of paradise (shut up, shut up)
Who never got to fly at night (shut up, shut up)
'Cause they were caught up in the dens
Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind
I want to get off but I keep riding the ride
I never really noticed that I had to decide
To play someone's game or live my own life
And now I do
I want to move
Out of the black (out of the black)
Into the blue (into the blue)
Gone is the burden
Of the crowding way of being
That comes from energies combined
Like my part was I
Was not discerning
And you as we found out
Were not in your right mind
There's no more chasing rainbows
And hoping for an end to them
Their arches are illusions
Solid at first glance
But then you try to touch them (touch, touch)
There's nothing to hold on to (hold, hold)
The colors used to lure you in (shut up, shut up)
And put you in a trance (ah... yeah)
Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind
I want to get off but I keep riding the ride
I never really noticed that I had to decide
To play someone's game or live my own life
And now I do
I want to move
Out of the black (out of the black)
Into the blue (into the blue)
Out of the black (out of the black)
Into the blue (into the blue)
Out of the black (out of the black)
Into the blue (into the blue)
From the ordinary world
To the reveal of my heart
Undoubtedly, that will for certain
Take the dead out of the sea
And the darkness from the arts
This is my commitment
My modern manifesto
I'm doing it for all of us
Who never got the chance
For... and for... (shut up, shut up)
And all my birds of paradise (shut up, shut up)
Who never got to fly at night (shut up, shut up)
'Cause they were caught up in the dens
Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind
I want to get off but I keep riding the ride
I never really noticed that I had to decide
To play someone's game or live my own life
And now I do
I want to move
Out of the black (out of the black)
Into the blue (into the blue)
Gone is the burden
Of the crowding way of being
That comes from energies combined
Like my part was I
Was not discerning
And you as we found out
Were not in your right mind
There's no more chasing rainbows
And hoping for an end to them
Their arches are illusions
Solid at first glance
But then you try to touch them (touch, touch)
There's nothing to hold on to (hold, hold)
The colors used to lure you in (shut up, shut up)
And put you in a trance (ah... yeah)
Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind
I want to get off but I keep riding the ride
I never really noticed that I had to decide
To play someone's game or live my own life
And now I do
I want to move
Out of the black (out of the black)
Into the blue (into the blue)
Out of the black (out of the black)
Into the blue (into the blue)
Out of the black (out of the black)
Into the blue (into the blue)
Jūsų Maištinga Siela
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