mintis pasidalyti šia daina, kai tik vos išgirdau jos priedainį. Tiesa, iki tol
nieko nežinojau apie britų atlikėją George
Ezra (g. 1993) išgarsėjo 2013 metais dėl savo baritono gilaus balso. 2014
metais pristatęs pirmąjį solinį albumą labai greitai išgarsėjo, o jo albumas
Britanijoje buvo trečiasis pagal pardavimus. Toks pat sėkmingas albumas tapo ir
antrasis, pasirodęs 2018 metų kovo mėnesį, iš kurio ir yra linksmoji daina „Shotgun“.
Šis atlikėjo
singlas taip pat Britanijoje pasiekė pirmąsias topo vietas ir vien savo
tėvynėje parduota 1,2 milijonų įrašų, o tai yra dukart platininis sertifikatas.
Daina buvo populiari ir pirmąsias pozicijas iškopė tokiose šalyse kaip
Australija, Belgija, Airija, Olandija ir kt. Šiandien siūlau tiesiog pasiklausyti
ir pasižiūrėti šio vasariškai nuteikiančio spalvingo vaizdo klipo:
Žodžiai / Lyrics
Home grown alligator, see you later
Gotta hit the road, gotta hit the road
Something changed in the atmosphere
Architecture unfamiliar
I could get used to this
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountain top that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
The South of the Equator, navigator
Gotta hit the road, gotta hit the road
Deep sea diving round the clock, bikini bottoms, lager tops
I could get used to this
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountain top that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
We got two in the front
Two in the back
Sailing along
And we don't look back
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountain top that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
Gotta hit the road, gotta hit the road
Something changed in the atmosphere
Architecture unfamiliar
I could get used to this
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountain top that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
The South of the Equator, navigator
Gotta hit the road, gotta hit the road
Deep sea diving round the clock, bikini bottoms, lager tops
I could get used to this
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountain top that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
We got two in the front
Two in the back
Sailing along
And we don't look back
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountain top that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a some one
Jūsų Maištinga Siela
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