tikras, kad šis kūrinys man patiks... Gal kiek ir nepatiko iš pat pradžių,
tačiau negalėjau būti abejingas vaizdo klipui. Toks jausmas, kad Holivudas ir
muzikos industrija savo slaptomis idėjomis flirtuoja su klausytojais. Apie
užverbuotas žvaigždes, kurios praranda kontrolę, jau esu čia pasakojęs, tad
neabejoju, kad Katy Perry, kuri
šįkart antrina Zedd yra viena iš tų
aukų, kurios vaizdo klipai paskutiniuoju metu itin atitinka iliuminati
ideologinius ženklus, tačiau nebūsiu tas, kuris vers ir jus panašiai į tai
žiūrėti. Visgi kalbant apie dainą „365“,
kuri skamba maloniai ir šiek tiek hipnotizuojančiai apie roboto mėginimą
išmokyti mylėti žmogų, manau, Katy Perry toliau tęsia savo „Bon Apetit“ ir „ET“
dainų vaizdo klipų pateiktį tik kaip alternatyviąją tiesą.
klipe pati K. Perry yra tarsi robotas, kuris atitinka klasikinės šeštojo
dešimtmečio amerikietiškos namų žmonos įvaizdį, tačiau žmogus vis tiek
nepamilsta jos tobulumo. Norėtųsi sakyti, kad Holivudas pateikia savo tiesą ant
lėkštutės, kad ja iš esmės niekas nepatikėtų. Apie klonus ir tuos robotus visgi
yra nemažai dokumentikos, tik reikia pasikapstyti po internetą, nes ji
paribiuose ir jos informacija cenzūruojama. O kas mums, paprastiems
mirtingiesiems, kurie įtariai žiūri į bet kokias sąmokslo teorijas, nes jos „neskanios“,
nes negali taip būti, belieka tai priimti kaip už gryną pinigą. Netgi ir tai
suvokdamas, galiu pasakyti, kad kūrinys vis tiek kabina mases, yra klausomas,
modernus ir dabar jau net neabejoju, kad bus dideliu hitu.
tai, kas nesuprato, apie ką šis įrašas – nesigilinkite, apie tai, kas
užsikabino, paskaitykite šį įrašą ČIA.
/ Lyrics
Zedd, Katy Perry – "365"
Waking up next to you in the
middle of the week
Never needed anyone to send me off to sleep
And I know I said go slow, but I can't hold back no more
Got a premonition this ain't gonna be a fling
You make a weekend feel like a year
Baby, you got me changing
24/7, I want you here
I hope you feel the same thing
I want you to be the one that's on my mind, on my mind, on my mind
I want you to be there on a Monday night, Tuesday night, every night
Are you gonna be the one that's on my mind? 365, all the time
I want you to be the one to stay
You give me the night and day
Love it when you come back and can't take it when you leave
Got me fantasizing our initials already
And I wanna just let go, falling deeper than before
Say that you are ready, lock it up in a heartbeat
I want you to be the one that's on my mind, on my mind, on my mind
I want you to be there on a Monday night, Tuesday night, every night
Are you gonna be the one that's on my mind? 365, all the time
I want you to be the one to stay
You give me the night and day
I think about you all the time
24/7, 365
I think about you all the time
24/7, 365
Are you gonna be the one?
Are you gonna be the one? (Are you gonna be the one?)
I want you to be the one
I want you to be the one that's on my mind, on my mind, on my mind
I want you to be there on a Monday night, Tuesday night, every night
Are you gonna be the one that's on my mind? 365, all the time
I want you to be the one to stay
You give me the night and day
I think about you all the time
24/7, 365
I think about you all the time
24/7, 365
Never needed anyone to send me off to sleep
And I know I said go slow, but I can't hold back no more
Got a premonition this ain't gonna be a fling
You make a weekend feel like a year
Baby, you got me changing
24/7, I want you here
I hope you feel the same thing
I want you to be the one that's on my mind, on my mind, on my mind
I want you to be there on a Monday night, Tuesday night, every night
Are you gonna be the one that's on my mind? 365, all the time
I want you to be the one to stay
You give me the night and day
Love it when you come back and can't take it when you leave
Got me fantasizing our initials already
And I wanna just let go, falling deeper than before
Say that you are ready, lock it up in a heartbeat
I want you to be the one that's on my mind, on my mind, on my mind
I want you to be there on a Monday night, Tuesday night, every night
Are you gonna be the one that's on my mind? 365, all the time
I want you to be the one to stay
You give me the night and day
I think about you all the time
24/7, 365
I think about you all the time
24/7, 365
Are you gonna be the one?
Are you gonna be the one? (Are you gonna be the one?)
I want you to be the one
I want you to be the one that's on my mind, on my mind, on my mind
I want you to be there on a Monday night, Tuesday night, every night
Are you gonna be the one that's on my mind? 365, all the time
I want you to be the one to stay
You give me the night and day
I think about you all the time
24/7, 365
I think about you all the time
24/7, 365
Maištinga Siela
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