šia Lanos Del Rey daina dar nesidalijau su Jumis, tad dalijuosi dabar. Paskutiniu
metu Lana, manau, greitai vėl bus „ant bangos“: ji šio mėnesio pabaigoje
išleidžia naują albumą, ji įrašė dainą naujam siaubo filmui, sukūrė albumo
anonsą ir, regis, juda į priekį su naujomis dainomis, o štai aš vis dar
jaučiuosi įstrigęs jos puikiame albume „Lust for Life“ (2017), kuriame tiek
puikių dainų, kad tai be jokios abejonės vienas geriausių Lanos albumų.
dalijuosi kiek mažiau iš šio albumo žinoma daina „When The World Was At
War We Kept Dancing“, kurio griozdiškas pavadinimas, manau, nusako visą
tą hipių judėjimą prieš JAV galiūnę, kai septintajame ir aštuntajame
dešimtmetyje vėlėsi į karus su Vietnamu ir t. t. Tai tam tikras protestas ir
politinė pozicija, virtusia kiek filosofine, kiek retorinio klausimo daina. Toji
hipiška dvasia išlaikyta su indiroko ir pop muzikos elementais ir iš tikrųjų
visumoje tiesiog hipnotizuoja. Siūlau pasiklausyti:
/ Lyrics
Lana del rey - "When
The World Was At War We Kept Dancing"
Girls, don't forget your pearls
And all of your horses
As you make your way across the pond
Girls, don't forget your curls
And all of your corsets
Memorize them in a little song
Shake it up
Throw your hands up and get loose
Cut a rug
Lean into the fucking youth
We just want the fucking truth
(Told by the fake news)
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
No, it's only the beginning
If we hold on to hope
We'll have a happy ending
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
Boys, don't forget your toys
And take all of your money
If you find you're in a foreign land
Boys, don't make too much noise
And don't try to be funny
Other people may not understand
Shake it up
Throw your hands up and get loose
Cut a rug
Lean into the fucking youth
We just want the fucking truth
(Told by the fake news)
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
No, it's only the beginning
If we hold on to hope
We'll have a happy ending
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
And we'll do it again
(Oh my god, did it from loving you)
Gonna do it again
(Oh my god, did it from loving you
We'll do it again
(Did it from, did it from loving you)
We'll do it again
(When the world was at war)
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
And we'll do it again
And we'll do it again.
And all of your horses
As you make your way across the pond
Girls, don't forget your curls
And all of your corsets
Memorize them in a little song
Shake it up
Throw your hands up and get loose
Cut a rug
Lean into the fucking youth
We just want the fucking truth
(Told by the fake news)
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
No, it's only the beginning
If we hold on to hope
We'll have a happy ending
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
Boys, don't forget your toys
And take all of your money
If you find you're in a foreign land
Boys, don't make too much noise
And don't try to be funny
Other people may not understand
Shake it up
Throw your hands up and get loose
Cut a rug
Lean into the fucking youth
We just want the fucking truth
(Told by the fake news)
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
No, it's only the beginning
If we hold on to hope
We'll have a happy ending
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
And we'll do it again
(Oh my god, did it from loving you)
Gonna do it again
(Oh my god, did it from loving you
We'll do it again
(Did it from, did it from loving you)
We'll do it again
(When the world was at war)
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
When the world was at war before
We just kept dancing
And we'll do it again
And we'll do it again.
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